Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wait, how, when, what?!

It's funny how they say women's intuition is always right. Several times in my life I have had the pleasant and unpleasant opportunity of proving that theory correct. A week before January 20th Husband and I were on a ski trip with some friends. For some reason before the trip I was worried I might be pregnant.

***Warning: Now begins the TMI portion of the blog***

I had stopped taking BC back in October but we had been careful. However, on one particular date we were not so careful...

So for some reason I figured it might be a good idea to make sure I wasn't pregnant before launching myself down a mile high mountain covered in ice and snow. Truth be told I had been feeling pretty tired and was experiencing my normal PMS symptoms (tired, tender breasts, etc.) so I figured I was simply about to start. I had about a week to go before I was set to start but a few days before leaving for our trip I was sitting at work when a hot wave took over me and got very dizzy and nauseous. Hmmm....something seemed off. I continued about my business but I had this feeling that something was different. I couldn't explain it and although the symptoms were similar to PMS symptoms I knew I was pregnant. I took two tests, both negative before the trip. I was a little sad, even though were weren't planning on officially "starting" to try until March. While on our trip I blamed the exhaustion on the altitude. I was jittery at night and could not sleep to save my life. I also had crazy dreams. On dream in particular was about a baby we adopted from Russia, she turned into that mean little girl from Finding Nemo and was tossing our puppy around like a rag doll and I lost it and said, "that's it, you're going back to Russia!" Now don't judge me on my I would not choose my dog over my kid it was just a dream people.

While on the trip my friend starts her period..."hmm, that's odd, I always get mine before her." I tried not to think anything of it, I wasn't officially late quite yet. Side note: I have always had irregular periods due to mild endometriosis and poly cystic ovaries, so to say I am late isn't saying much---I've never been regular. When we got back home I was still feeling exhausted, I could not get enough rest. So I decided I would wait until the day that my ovulation calendar says I am supposed to start my next period before I take a pregnancy test.

****Our regularly programmed blog continues here***

Which brings me to Friday, February 20, 2011. I was headed back from dropping off Husband's keys (he locked his set in his car, I was not a happy wife) when on the way home I started feeling these funny little sharp dull pains in my stomach. Instantly I thought, "OMG, I think I am pregnant." I walk in the door, go upstairs, pull a test out of the drawer and go into the restroom. I read the instructions and pee on the stick (which by the way is a task in and of itself, the aim, the stream, the target it just a disastrophy waiting to happen) and set it down to wait. First line pops up, then the next, "ok, I'm not....wait, wait, what is that other line? Is that a...wait, what does a plus sign...wait a minute...OMG, I think that's a positive....I'm pregnant!!!!!" Now I will tell you that I read those instructions about 20 times just to make sure my eyes didn't deceive me or that I was reading it wrong. Yes, I was pregnant! I was surprised, happy, scared, elated, sobbing, laughing (all while still on the toilet mind you) at that same time. After consulting my very dear friend (I simply sent a pic of the result with "OMG" as the message) who calmed me down and talked me into telling Husband in a fun way I gathered myself and pulled out the infamous onsie.

I told Husband I had a belated birthday present that was "late" getting here because it took "four weeks" (I calculated that I was about four weeks along) to make. And so attached is the birthday present reveal. I love his reaction---"Wait, how, when, what?!"


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