This week I am officially seven weeks pregnant. Feels like just yesterday I found out I was pregnant and now I am more than half way through my first trimester....mommies weren't kidding when they said this time flies by! With week seven (actually it all started with week six) I have begun to feel less than fabulous. Actually I have begun to feel downright cruddy. The fact that I get up, shower and actually dress in something other than pajamas or "comfy clothes" and put on makeup is a downright miracle lately. I can handle the frequent pee breaks, the mild cramps and bloating and even the exhaustion (sometimes I swear I have developed narcolepsy because I can crash in about 2.2) but what I can't seem to fight through is the nausea! Yes, the morning sickness has reared its ugly monstrous head!!!
Side note: for about five days I was feeling rather symptom free. "Oh that's a blessing" many might say; but for me it freaked me out. Was I still even pregnant. Not to be rude but you read so many horror stories about miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies that you begin to get a bit terrified. I had to tell myself, "step away from the Internet Lissette, you are psyching yourself out!" Of course I turned to my factory size inventory of birth control tests and tested myself know...just to make sure. So I thank God in my prayers for everything and told him that I would try to give up control of this pregnancy, that whatever was His will I would accept (easier said than done, but Jesus and I have an understanding, I try to give up control and he gives me some good signs that I am doing a good job). So I tell God that I will give up control and that I was just worried since I had no symptoms. Well like the miracle worker that he is I woke up two days letter with just about every symptom in the book.
So that brings me back to now. It seems that along with the "sign" of nausea God also thought it fit that I should develop this amazing taste in my mouth. Ahhh who doesn't want the taste of a penny in their mouth at all times?! I mean I know I was thinking, "hmmm being the foodie that I am, I would like the ever tantalizing taste of penny please." I've always said God has a sense of humor. Maybe this is his way of reminding me how expensive our baby will be? :) So with this delish taste and awesome nausea I have lost all my foodie powers. I no longer want anything really. I crave something one day and the next the thought makes me want to gag. For example, one night I was adamant about eating a steak, "Daniel, I will not leave this house unless we can eat steaks tonight!" We go, I stuff my face (BTW, it was NOT as tasty as I had imagined it would be) and the next morning the thought of the steak almost sends me into the bathroom gagging. So needless to say I have now developed an aversion to steak; actually most meats. The thought of meats makes me sick, except for sandwich meat which is the one meat I cannot have. Again, very funny God. So what can I eat? Well low and behold God had a nice treat up his sleeve because one of the only things that seem to keep me from gagging are carbs.
Ahhh carbs! Those delicious, rich, white, doughy carbs that make my mouth sing with joy and my belly satisfied every time! Pasta, bread, crackers, chips, potatoes, if it's white and bad for you I crave it! Plain, buttered, salted, warm, cold, crispy, soft, it doesn't matter because I want them! I guess for the next nine months I shall refer to this time of my life as extreme carbo loading; you know in preparation for the birth. ;) On a good note, I seem to be able to eat fruit, and lots of it. So there you have it, I can eat carbs and more carbs. That should look fabulous on my body in the next few weeks.
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