Wednesday, March 14, 2012

From Poppyseed to Papaya

So how does it feel after you see that "+" sign on the pee stick?

Well first of all I quickly realized that what I thought were symptoms of PMS were really signs of pregnancy.  First off the bat...the sore breasts is a major understatement.  Now anyone who knows me knows I was not blessed with a well endowed chest...think Kate Hudson (I'm not gonna lie that is one of the reason's I always liked her).  So if these itty bittys can feel like 20 lb sandbags then I feel so sorry for all my friends who were blessed with breasts!  Seriously, I am so sore that even the air hurts.  In fact I am wearing a sports bra as I type this!  The only plus side is that with this baby I may skip to the next letter of the bra alphabet which I only did once during my horrific last year of college when I gained 20 lbs (that's the last time I bring up that period of my life). 

The other thing I feel is exhausted.  The kind of exhausted where you are so tired that you literally have to breathe with your mouth open.  I have a wall.  At 3 PM it is over.  I have to get up from my desk at work and go on a pee break just to keep me awake.  Speaking of!  You start having to go all the time.  It comes out of nowhere. Most of us at least have a warning period where we think..."oooh I may need to tinkle soon, but it can wait."  Now it is literally, "I'm about to bust get me to the restroom stat!"  Oh and waking up several times a night to pee is also completely awesome!  My friend and I were talking the other day and she said that was one of the most annoying symptoms.

Other than that I have felt slight dizziness, jittery and sometimes nauseous (although thankfully that is only fleeting).  I have been warned of the miseries of morning sickness, so far, so good (knocking on wood) but my doctor also told me that most women don't start to feel it until about six weeks.  According to my calculations I have about 1 1/2 weeks or normalcy.  Let's just think positive and hope that I am one of the blessed ones who doesn't have the pleasure of experiencing this most wonderful symptom. 

Oh and the final symptom is hunger.  I was wondering why I was starving all the time.  I thought it was my increased workout regimen.  I have been training for a half marathon (participation TBD, that's another blog entry) so I figured my increased mileage and gym visits was the culprit for my voracious appetite.  I literally eat, feel stuffed and less than an hour later I am starving...not hungry....STARVING!  I read one of the symptoms is increased appetite due to a feeling of not being full.  Awesome.  All because of this the lil poppyseed growing inside of me.

Which leads me to my final note.  Poppyseed Papaya came from The Bump.  On the site they have a calendar that allows you to track your baby's growth based on fruits and veggies.  When my friend Brandy was pregnant each week I would ask her, "what fruit or veggie are we this week?"  And thus was born the title of my blog. Yes, I know, my baby will be larger than a papaya at birth but Poppyseed Papaya sounded much cuter than Poppyseed Cantaloupe or Poppyseed Pumpkin. 

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