Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Time to build a nest!

Ok so I admit it...I am a control freak.  Yes it's true, I am.  My friends and family all know this.  They say the first step to recovery is recognizing the problem...and I do, I really do.  I am not sure why I am this way.  Genetics?  Maybe.  Being on my own since I was 15?  Possibly.  Predisposed behavior?  Highly likely.  Whatever the reason, good or bad, I am a self-admitted control freak.   So I am sure it comes as no surprise that being pregnant has truly challenged this very challenging side of my personality.  On top of that, if I think pregnancy has been challenging, I KNOW being a mommy will definitely be challenging.  So why am I talking about this?  Well, I have noticed that as my pregnancy progresses I have become even more controlling (scary for those around me).  I would say it is mostly because I feel such a lack of control over my body.  You can't tell your bladder that going pee five times a night is excessive and it must stop.  Or your indigestion that you've had enough and take a hike.  Or your lil poppyseed-papaya growing inside of you to stop kicking because frankly mommy is exhausted and feels quite used.  Nope, you can't control much when you are pregnant...oh JOY!  So what can you control?  Well let me tell you....

First of all when you can't control your body and you are a control freak you need to find a new outlet to...well, control.  That said, if you have even the slightest bit of OCD (which I do, you didn't know I am also an MD--yes tis true) that will spread like a bad rash.  Second, being a control freak with OCD means trouble for everyone around.  As if it wasn't already bad enough that my fridge has to be organized in a certain manner, or the cans in my pantry have to all be facing the same way, now I am becoming a freak about even the tiniest thing!  In fact just the other day Husband was trying to be helpful and put one of the spices away.  When I opened the spice cabinet I was horrified to find the paprika in the wrong spot. 

"Daniel did you put this here?!"
"Yes babe, isn't that where it goes?"
"Um NO, it goes here!" (I move said paprika 1/4 of an inch to the right and turn it so the label is facing out).

So as you can see I have fallen off the edge.  Now back to taking control.  Like I said, when you can't control your body you need a new outlet and boy have I found mine.  ORGANIZING!!!!  Oh the word even brings a smile to my face and warms my heart!  Yes my friends I have become an uber organizer.  I have always like to organize but now it's a whole new ballgame.  I use all my expendable energy on organizing anything and everything.  In fact the other day I thought I had nothing left to organize but was elated when I realized there were still a few items I could tackle!  Sick, I know.  Some also refer to this period as nesting.  In fact Wikipedia (sorry Webster's but now we techies go to Wikipedia) defines nesting as: commonly characterized by a strong urge to clean and organize one's home and is one reason why couples who are expecting a baby often reorganize, arrange, and clean the house and surroundings.  So yes, I would say that perfectly defines what has taken place at Casa Jenkins.  Note the reference above about couples.  Another sad reality is that when mommy-to-be nests, then daddy-to-be is forced into the same behavior.  After all they do say for better or worse.  Not to mention the fact that the unit (my belly) is quite prohibiting.  How does one organize the kitchen cabinets when the unit prevents you from even being able to reach your cabinets because it bumps the countertops.  Or how can you organize the entire media storage under your TV when the unit won't even let you bend down halfway?  Insert said spouse to the rescue.  Luckily (actually more by God's grace) I have a husband who rolls with it.  He stopped asking, "honey wasn't this already organized?" when I was on my third round of REorganizing something.  He also stopped asking, "so is this what nesting is all about."  Ok I admit it, I have not only organized some items but I have reorganized made me feel better.  I feel such happiness and pride when I complete a project.  So much so that I decided to document the end results.  Now please don't be a Debbie Downer and give me a "wha, wha" response of, "you know it won't stay like that forever when baby arrives?" or "wait to your kid comes and messes it all up.  Yes, people I know the harsh reality is that things won't stay this way and I won't maintain it but can't a girl bask in her own glory for a bit?  I mean I put a lot of hard work and effort into this, a simple, "job well done" will suffice.  So please, please leave your negative comments at the door and I will try to organize those later.  ;)

Here are some photos of a few of my projects.  Oh and I included some of Husband Daddy.  As noted in exhibits A-E, he too has been a part of this process. 

Exhibit A:  Husband Daddy's famous last words before putting together all of Sofia's "necessities;" "I have a feeling this is going to be a VERY frustrating day."  Now c'mon daddies you know you love an excuse to pull out your toolbox; I'm just guessing you would rather be putting together more "manly" items.  ;)

Exhibit B: Next up the Snap-N-Go.  He's still smiling.

Exhibit C: Husband showed this Snap-N-Go the business and put it together in record time.  This is his version of his ghetto thug-life mean face.  Um, it's not working. 

Exhibit D: And now for the baby car seat.

Surprise!  This one came already assembled!

Exhibit E: Last up, the Baby Jogger stroller.  I must say I am so glad he put these together, only bad thing, I don't know how these things work.  Husband will have to give me a lesson.  This was also the gift I was most excited about.  I don't know why I think I am going to be running 10 miles the second Sofia Grace arrives home.  Wishful thinking maybe.  I WILL however, train for my next half marathon with her.  Me and Sofie G!

Chloe's version of nesting.  She likes to take the term literally.

My second project was organizing the pantry, which many of you saw.  I can't help it, I was most proud of this project so I decided to post it again.

Storage bins in my office complete with labels.  Yes people, I LOVE to label things whenever possible!

Our medicine and towel closet.  Now I will admit, I took the idea of labeling the medicine bins by medicine types from Pinterest.  Hopefully this eliminates the ever annoying, always endearing question, "babe, where is the pepto?" or "do we have any Advil?"  We shall see.

A closer view.  Oh and yes those are extra shampoos, conditioners and body washes in that top bin.  In addition to loving to organize I love to coupon.  I decided to stock up on as many essentials (toiletries, laundry detergents, cleaning products, etc.) as possible before Sofia arrives.  My thought is I won't have either the time or energy to run to the store all the time so I wanted a backup reserve.  My good friend Amanda calls our home Costco.

Under my sink.  Not my best work but much better than before.

Ahh....zee closet.  Sadly, these are all my shoes and sadly, I had to give a bunch away when the carpenter came to build all of this storage in my closet.   Husband likes to tell people he almost didn't marry me when he saw all the shoes, clothes, purses and scarves ( favorite) in my closet.  I must be super charming because he still married me.

Another view.  I think I may have a boot obsession.  I also like all my hangers to match if possible.  This is not a cheap thing to do.  I have had to buy them a little at a time.  Also not famous scarf collection.  I have over 100 the last time I counted which is ludicrous but I still love them just the same!

Here is a view of the vanity we had built so I can store all my accessories since I seem to be an accessory addict.  In fact, I would venture to say I like accessories more than clothes.

And another view.

Viola!  The vanity.  This is my lil dressing room area.  Husband Daddy painted Sofie's closet to match.  Uh-oh trouble.  He's such a sweet Husband!

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