Hi everyone…I have a quick lil update that I forgot to post. I am officially 30 weeks pregnant and had my 30 week visit last week. This was also the same appointment as my glucose screening test. I have been so nervous about this test. I don’t typically like sweets but the last month I have been craving sweets like crazy! I am talking about chocolate chip cookies, brownies, mini Three Musketeers bars and more. I have been trying to limit my intake but anyone who has been pregnant knows that sometimes the crazy Craving Beast Monster comes out and you just “HAVE” to have it! Anyhow, for the most part I have been pretty good about my diet, buying sugar free or low sugar items but like I said the last few weeks have been rough. I confess, I have been eating more sweets.
The day did not start off well for me because for some reason I thought my appointment was at 9:30. I didn’t realize that my appointment was actually at 9 until I was almost there. After arriving late and breathless I was sent to the lab. I was to have a total of three blood draws and I was not allowed to eat or drink. Sounds simple except my last meal was at 8 PM the night before and I have hypoglycemia (the opposite of diabetes) which means I knew my blood sugars would crash during the process. Just as I suspected right after the first draw I started feeling exceptionally woozy, dizzy and shaky. Thank goodness for the glucose liquid they told me to drink (BTW, this stuff has come a long way, it now tastes like flat sprite as opposed to sugar water back in the day). The liquid helped and I made it through my other two draws followed by a smooshed PB&J sandwich that I had packed.
Next up was my ultrasound. As always as soon as the tech started pushing on my belly Sofie G wasn’t interested and she kicked back and flipped over. Needless to say we have yet to have a good photo of her since before 19 weeks. What is it with this kid?! Even the tech was commenting on how wiggly she was. I told her she's just dancing...two steppin' her way through the pregnancy. We also found out that she decided to flip back into breach position. Typical, I helped make a child who likes to do things her own way and obviously doesn’t like to be told what to do. Let’s hope some of her daddy’s sweet demeanor is bred into her too or we are in for a treat! Husband Daddy says she is going to come out with my sassy personality and he can't wait to see how well we get along when she's a teenager. God help me!
Upon meeting with the doctor I was told that baby and I are in great health. She weighed in at 3.04 lbs which was right on track. He also gave me some exercises to start doing to help this lil stubborn angel of the morning flip into get ready position. Let’s hope she cooperates.
She's been two steppin' in my tummy which explains all the wiggling I feel. She's definitely a proper Texas Southern girl! |
Here is her arm...this is the one she used to punch the ultrasound tech when the tech was pushing on my belly trying to get a closer look at SG. |
A leg...that's all we get...a leg shot. Nice! |
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