Monday, July 23, 2012

Showered with Love!

OMG, I cannot believe I forgot to post about my baby shower.  Well, actually yes I can beleive it because lately I forget a lot. 

I just wanted to write a quick post to talk about my baby shower.  I am so blessed to have such amazing women in my life and three of these lovelies threw me the perfect shower.  I want to especially thank Kylee Bug (Kylee), Manders (Amanda) and Sinity (Sinit) for working so hard to put together such a wonderful event.  These girls know me so well.  The noms were DELISH and I think I ate about 20 of the homemade biegnet balls Kylee made (thank goodness for Cajun friends)!  The girls made all my favorite snacks, everything from mini strawberry shortcakes, piggies in blankets, veggies and hummus, lots of fresh fruit and much more AND I partook in all of them!  They even made a special mocktini for me. 

We didn't play any games or open gifts in front of people (I always feel so awkward opening gifts in front of people, am I the only that feels that way?), it was just all my favorite ladies gathered together catching up.  Again, I am so blessed to have such amazing ladies in my life.  Sofia Grace has a lot of aunties eagerly anticipating her arrival.  Here are some pics from my shower.  Thank you ladies, I love you more than you know.

Some of the delish nommies...piggies in cornbread, mini meatballs, veggies and hummus.

Another view of the spread, these girls made all my favorite foods!

I cannot get enough strawberries throughout this pregnancy and one of my favorite desserts is strawberry shortcakes.

Mocktail for momma.

Me and my sweet Papar...she has a bun in the oven too!!!!

My sweet Roosicle dressed in my favory color....organge!  Beautiful!

My Persian Princess FareBear (Fara).  All my friends have nicknames. 

Kristie, me, Manders and KK (Kathy).  I love these girls!

Another photo with my leggy friends.  I look like a nectarine next to them.  :)

Manders and Kylee are going into the diaper sculpting biz...they made this diaper cake.

My beautiful hostesses!

Everyone wanted to touch the belly so I said yes, as long as it was all at once.  Belly violating can be a bit uncomfortable unless asked first.

Another shot with my fabulous hostesses!

Roosicle had this pillow made for Sofia Grace!

Vroom....riding the diaper tricycle.

Holding a diaper baby.
Husband always manages to find the sweets.  Here he is partaking in a cupcake while wearing the bib Aunt Fara bought.

Soon to be parents!  Only 10 more weeks!

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