I haven't posted in a long time and I feel terrible about it but the truth is I have been SUPER busy. As soon as the bliss of the second trimester set in I was packing about a million tasks into each day. I did this on purpose mainly because everyone told me that the last trimester is exceptionally uncomfortable and at times limiting. I also figured that since my last trimester would overlap with the hottest part of the year I should get as much done as possible. I am a planner...this is what I do...and now I am EXHAUSTED!
The second trimester has been awesome. I have been feeling great, working out, cooking, cleaning, doing projects and keeping busy with lots of photo shoots for my photography business. We even managed to squeeze in some time at the beach with friends and a few other outings. I have been loving every minute of it. Some days I didn't even feel pregnant! Yes my belly was growing but I have felt pretty good. Speaking of my growing belly, during Memorial Weekend it seemed to go through another growth spurt. It may have been the large amounts of beach food we consumed but we will just say it was a growth spurt. Which reminds me...beach food is so NOT beach friendly. We made everything from crawfish, french toast casseroles, steaks, potatoes, homemade quac, sweets and much more---not exactly what should be on the menu when walking around in your bathing suit for the entire weekend. I figured I would embrace my new "curves" and decided I would strut my stuff in a bikini and eat what I wanted. Below is a picture from Memorial Weekend. Now back to my main topic.
So as I was saying the second trimester has been great. I have been really happy with it. Sofia Grace has been kicking up a storm. Husband Daddy finally felt her kick the other day and a few friends have felt her kick too. Typical of her daddy and I, she is on a set schedule. At 5:30 AM when Husband wakes up so does SG, then again at 7-7:30 when I wake up. Around 9-9:30 she naps (along with her sister Chloe). Once I get to the office SG is back up and ready to eat around 12. Then after being fed she naps again until around 3 when I have my midafternoon snack. Back to sleep, then back up around 5:30-6, just in time for mommy to take a cat nap (which never comes to fruition because SG would rather have a dance party in mommy's belly at this time). Then it's back to nappy time with some intermediate kicks around 8-9. As soon as mommy is in bed around 10-11 SG is back at it and this is her most active period. Some nights I have to rub my tummy to lull her back to sleep. It's so amazing that they are on their own little schedules even in the womb. Even though having her kick can at times be inoportune, it is still one of my favorite things. It's the most amazing feeling a woman can feel knowing that a lil life is growing inside of her. I still can't wrap my mind around it....I am blown away by how perfect God has made pregnancy.
Speaking of perfect, I also think God has a sense of humor. For example, the aching muscles and popping joints are a big downer but that is God's way of preparing our bodies for labor...we literally release a horomone known as Relaxin that relaxes our muscles to help them "open up" for birth. Another fun God given treat...gas. Ok, I know, no one wants to talk about it but how can we be told to be ladies all our lives and then we are "blessed" with gas like no lady should ever experience?. From the top or bottom, it doesn't matter. Pregnant women become gas machines. Wretched. Lately I have been sleeping upright because my burping has become too much while lying flat on my back. Oh here is another fun one that I am noticing...bloating. My bloating isn't too severe yet. I try to drown out possible bloating by trying to drink almost a gallon of water a day. But there have been some days where my toes slightly resemble vienna sausages and my fingers feel more like Butter Fingers (hmmm...wish I could eat them).
Which leads to me to my next topic. Cravings. So the only consistent thing I have craved has been fruit; mostly strawberries and pineapple. I eat fresh strawberries with Greek yogurt and granola every morning and then at night I eat strawberries with low cal whip cream for dessert. We go through about 2-3 cartons of strawberries I week. I can't get enough of them. My mom said she was the exact same way when she was pregnant with me. So for the majority of my second trimester I have felt quite proud that I am craving relatively healthy items. That was until about 3 weeks ago when I remembered the utter joy of a childhood favorite...PB&J. I cannot even begin to explain how happy PB&Js make me right now. The salty creamy texture of the peanut butter mixed with the chunky cold sweet deliciousness of the jelly and the doughy delight of the bread all pefectly packaged together and cut equally into two halves. Oh it's heaven! My craving for PB&J has become so bad that one day I ate it for breakfast and some days I eat two sandwhiches a day. I had to downgrade to low sugar jelly because I became nervous of too much sugar intake. In fact writing this right now is making my mouth water. I've already consumed my quota for the day so I will have to wait until tomorrow. Oh how my heart hurts having to wait another day to taste heaven in my mouth.
So as you can see the second trimester has been full of lots of postive changes. Alas, all good things must come to an end and as I near the third trimester I can definitely feel the bliss of the second trimester wearing off...and boy is it happening fast no matter how hard I fight it and how hard I convince myself I can "tough" it out (it's the control freak in me). Anyhow, I shall save the newest changes for another blog post. Stay tuned.
In the meantime here are some photos from the last few months.
Finally looking pregnant but still small...I felt cute this day.
Whoa, what happened?! In three weeks I popped out even more. My main question was; "If Sofie G is only the size of a grapefruit then WHY am I the size of a watermelon?!"
Husband Daddy and I enjoying some much needed R&R at the Angel beach house. As they say..."Rock out with your...err BUMP out!"
One of my favorite sources of calcium...Menchie's frozen yogurt. Fresh tart yogurt with what else, fresh strawberries and fruit!!!
I've become a piece of furniture in our home. Chloe will be highly dissapointed when the bump is gone.
New twist on date night, Husband and I took a cooking class at Sur la Table. It was DELISH! I can't wait for Sofie G to be exposed to all the flavors of the world and be a foodie like me. This is one of the best dates Husband and I have ever had. Love him!
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