Ahh I feel such relief! Yesterday I was finally able to announce that we were expecting a lil Baby J. When I say “announce” I am of course referring to making it officially official on Facebook. I mean this is 2012 where most of the communication we have with each other is via photo posts, status updates and pokes (ok maybe not pokes…I never understood that feature). Sad as it is…this is our sounding board and if it’s not on Facebook then it’s not official. ;)
I must say I had been wanting to post about it the second I found out but for there were several reasons why I didn’t. I wont bore you with all the reasons why but I will say that one reason in particular was that I wanted a cute way to announce it. I didn’t want to just slap an ultrasound photo up (not that there is anything wrong with that…but I am a photographer half the time and self-proclaimed creative personality so I thought I needed something better than that). My first thought was a picture of Husband in a pair of shoes, me in a pair of heels and the sweet lil Toms I bought when I was about 2.2 seconds pregnant. That task was a lot harder to achieve than I thought and I underestimated the vast power of the mosquitoes that have already taken over Houston. So it was on to the next idea. I can’t say it is what I imagined but I figured people would get the hint when they saw a pair of mini baby Toms with our wedding rings perched atop them. I was so excited as I uploaded the photo to my FB page and waited in eager anticipation of the comments that would soon follow. I must say, my friends did not disappoint and I was overwhelmed by the reaction of friends and family, new and old! Life is full of so many amazing moments and sharing the news of our lil poppyseed with everyone certainly tops the list. I know the journey will be long…and hard…but what a miracle and blessing it will be when we are finally able to meet our lil one.
Here is the picture that I posted with the headline that read; “Looks like Husband better clear some closet space...we've got a special lil roomie on the way!”
We're so much alike! I love it! :)